
  • [미드 단어] Moder 대박이네
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 28. 01:59

    Tupperware: [곳곳]터프( 맛있는 음식 저장용 플라스틱 용기)Hundredth:[ 서수사]백[하나 00]번째 Claire, did you ever find that tupperware I lent youSweetie, for the hundredth time, I gave it back to you, remember


    ·Baggy: [형용사] 옷이 헐렁해. I remember you telling mea hundred times, yet my peasoup is in baggies


    You're ruining brunch Don't sweat it, Cam


    Novelty : [명사] 새로움, 참신함, 신기함, [형용사] 이색, 신기함, wear off: (서서히) 사라진다 They all think Lily's so great The novelty will wear off Weused to be the cute ones


    take somebody/something down: (구조물을 해체하고) 치우다, 바지 등을) 끌어내리다, to a more southern part of a country, etc., or to a different part of a building, towntry, etc.


    (Something bad happened, someone is going to get blamed and suffer the consequences of the act) Yes, I left the top down, and I let mom take the fall And then they got divorced.


    statute of limitation: 공소시효 It was years ago There's a statute of limitation onthis stuff Inthat case, I should probably let you know I let the top down to out the cigarette smoke


    Semifinal : 명사, 형용사 [운동] 준결승 (의) ; [복싱] 세미파이널 게이더


    ·stick at(=to)one's work:자신의 1에 몰두하고 1에 치엽 니다니다.Remember when I told you that I couldn't get to your figure skating semifinal because I was stuck at work


    Corker : [명사](구식, 개식, 비격식) 정야기 멋진 [재밌다]사람 This is fun Here's a corker


    ·Label: [명사](종이 등에 물건에 대한 정보를 적어 붙였다) 표 [라벨/상표]They didn't used to label babies as carefully in hospitals,


    Jegings : [명사] 제깅스(신축성 있고 몸에 딱 붙는 여성용 청바지) She's like a dream wrapped in a wish poured in to jegings


    ·Bait : [명사] (낚시용) 미끼, [명사] 미끼, [동사] 미끼를 놓다. Trust me We'll use the secookies as bait


    Metabolism: [명사](생물) 신진[물질] 대사, 대사Lily's crazy for them Asian metabolism


    Grubby : [형용사] (안씻어서) 더럽다, [형용사] (행동등이) 더럽다 When she grabs them wither grubby little hands, off goes the trap


    포크, 슬로우, 갈대, (도로강 등의) 분기점 [갈레] Do you know what a doll is in my village Anapple on afork


    Dispute: [명사] 분쟁, 분규; 논쟁, [동사] 반론하다, 이의를 제기하다 Okay! Okay! We're gonna have to settle this dispute in court - the food court


    Presiding : [형용사]주재[통솔]하다, 수석의사; 사회하는 The honorable Judge Cinnabon presiding


    Deprive: [타동사] <사람으로부터> <물건을> 빼앗다, <권리등의 행사를> 용서 못해, 주지 않아(of) [타동사] 면직하다, <성직>을 박면하다


    Aversion: 명사~ (tosb/sth) 정말 싫어, 혐오감 We're not gonna deprive ourselves just 'cause of Haley's aversion to food -- Oh, Haley's "aversion Ithought you said Nevermind


    aversion: 혐오감, 혐오감, We're not gonna deprive ourselves just because of Haley's aversion to food.


    ·Forge: [동사] 구축하다. [동사] 위조하다[명사] 대장간 Forge that 친국 ship! Okay, I go


    Snicker : [명사] (사람을 얕보는) 킥킥대는 소음, 숨죽여 웃는 소음(giggle).And when Idid, I'd never have to hear the m snicker again, "Oh, silly Cam" or "forgetful Cam, "becaus revenge is a dish best served cold.



    ·Burp:트림하고(아기의 등을 쓸고)트림을 시키다, pak-n-stor?And even better, two days later out of 24-ounce microwave-친구 ly burp-sealed pak-n-stor


    What were you thinking saying that in front of him I'm sorry It slipped out


    Panic: [명사](갑작스런) 극심한 공포, [동사] 겁에 질려 어찌할 바를 모르다[모르게 하다], 공황상태에 빠지다. [빠지게하다] And she promised not to tell dad until Ileft for college, which means he might have never fout Stop panicking


    ·Meditation: [명사]명상, 묵상, [명사]명상록, For the meditation, for the mm Yeah, yeah


    Gravy : [명사] 그레이비 (고기를 끓일 때 본인온 육즙에 밀가루 등을 넣어 만든 소스) Gravy Well, if it can save your mom's turkey, it can save anything


    This one chickened out


    ·Yank : [동사] (비격식) 쭉 잡아당기는 You know, guys, about that -- remember how mad he got when I yanked that cap off his head and putit on


    Plug : 명사 플러그 꽂기, 소켓, (동사) (구멍을 마개와 같은 것으로) 막는다. [막다] Hey, for the millionth time, they're not plugs


    Tab : (소식당의) 계산서 [외상]비용, 가격, 색인표, 식별표 Yeah, just gottasettle upourtab.


    ·Breed:[동사]동물이 새끼를...braid:비누는 머리,(실을 꼬아서 만든)장식용 수술 braids같은데 자막이나 대본이 잘못된 것 같습니다. One of her breeds is coming loose


    Prognosis: [명사] (의학)예후, [명사]예상, 예측 What's the prognosis Wecan fix most of herarm, but she'l never regain full mobility in her shoulder joint, because they don't make


    도움닫기, [동사]급조하다;(빚 등을)거의 매일 리다;(가격, 수량 등을)올리다, 거의 매일 리다;급성장하다, 급증하다;Why don't yourun up to the food court and grabus a table


    Booth : [명사] (칸막이를 한) 작은 공간, 부스, [명사] (칸막이에요) 시로 만든) 가게, 전시장 Do you want the counter or a booth


    Come in But listen to me Gloria Ithas to stay betweenus This is my sacred space


    Stance: [명사]~(onsth) (어떤 일에 대한 유출적인) 입장[태도], [명사](특히 스포츠 경기시의) 자세 It's so sad that you come here sooooften and that's the best that you can shoot And that's with prety nails Butimproper stance


    Mar: [동사]-rr-(좋은 것을) 상처입히다 That-that day you got the hole-in-one, it meant a lot to you And I marred it


    You're upset about a lot of things Okay, I won't obsess over it


    forge 정련, 단련하다, forge the 친구 ship Snicker 숨죽이고 웃는다 킬 웃다 I'd never have to hemsnicker again. elaborate 정교한, 정성을 담은 the yall have the helaborate of the tories. copewith 대처하다, 대항하는 I havefound away to pewith th the th thtofress. deductivorate of the withoforate of the the the the withnicke nickulders? bail on: (데이트 약속을) 깨다, 원하다, 틀다, Ace is drooling over his plaque again. 하트는 사랑입니다 다들 열심히 공부하세요.


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